
Showing posts from February, 2018

4 Reasons I Can't Wait For My Kid to Turn 4

In a few short days, my youngest child turns 4. While this milestone might not be as typically celebrated as, say, a kid's first birthday (or even their second), in my mind, it should be.

7 Creative Ways to Motivate Your Kids to Do Their Homework

It's hard to get kids excited about things they don't want to do, like going to sleep, eating their veggies, and, yes, doing their homework. 

4 Steps to Fit Your Parenting to Your Child's Temperament

Every child is different, so learning their temperament differences can help you custom fit your parenting style to their needs.

10 Parenting Tips for Preteens and Tweens

It’s typically between the ages of nine and twelve that our cute, cuddly little children, once so willing to climb into our laps and share their secrets, suddenly want little or nothing to do with us.

10 Good Parenting Tips To Help Your Children Blossom

While it is true that there is no single definition or correct method of raising children, a few parenting tips could go a long way in ensuring the happiness of your child. Let’s take a look at 10 good parenting tips. 

7 Things That Are Infinitely More Amazing When You Become a Mum

Brings a lot of unexpected joys you never would have anticipated in your pre_child life:  The pride you feel when your child reaches a milestone, the overwhelming love you experience when your kids bond with your own parents.

5 Ways To Be a Better Parent

Small changes to your parenting style can have a big impact on your children Here are 5 small changes you could make to your parenting style that will bring you a long way to a happier, healthier family dynamic:

5 Tips to Taking the Dummy Away

The dummy is a vital and amazing parenting tool. It soothes babies when they're cranky, keeps them calm during car rides, and distracts them during sometimes daunting public outings like grocery shopping. 

5 Tips For Good Parenting

For most people, growing up in a household brings back fond memories of at least one parent, if not both, in a relationship which affects the rest of a child's life. Whether a single parent or married, parents can create a feeling of stability.  

The Two Most Important Words I Say To My Kids

It's a rare day in our house if I don't hear some type of whining from our kids. It usually starts early in the morning, especially if it's a school day. "I don't want to go to school. I want to stay home today," my 5-year-old daughter will lead with.

The 10 Most Powerful Things You Can Say to Your Kids

Effective conversation helps parents create lasting, meaningful relationships with their kids. These 10 powerful statements can get you started on your way.

9 Steps to More Effective Parenting

Raising kids is one of the toughest and most fulfilling jobs in the world — and the one for which you might feel the least prepared. Here are nine child-rearing tips that can help you feeling more fulfilled as a parent.

The Most Popular Boy Names From 100 Years Ago

The world of 1916 might seem unfamiliar (unless you're a fan of Downton Abbey), but the popular baby names from the era are not.  Look at the top boy names from the 1910s and you'll see strong, traditional names that would not feel out of place today. Related topic: 3 Reasons I’m Thankful My Parents Raised Me With Tough Love Top 25 Baby Boy Names of 2018 in the USA 30 Musical Baby Names That Will Add a Whole Lot of Rhythm to Your Life Here are the top 100 boy names in America from that decade in order of popularity, according to the Social Security Administration's historical data. ·        John ·        William ·        James ·        Robert ·        Joseph ·        George ·        Charles ·        Edward ·        Frank ·        Thomas ·        Walter ·        Harold ·        Henry ·        Paul Watch This Video To Know... 14 Things People Said While I Was Pregnant That Made Me Laugh ·       Richard ·        Raymond

14 Things People Said While I Was Pregnant That Made Me Laugh

People said the darnedest things to me when I was pregnant with my children, which is ironic because I've never met a more emotionally unstable person than myself while pregnant. What is it about a woman's growing baby bump that makes those around her word-vomit random — and often inappropriate — things? Like most of us, I felt like I got a couple of doozies during my times with a bun in the oven — did anyone ever say any of the following to you? Related Topics: 30 Musical Baby Names That Will Add a Whole Lot of Rhythm to Your Life 30 Things Single Mums Want You to Know Top 25 Baby Boy Names of 2018 in the USA "Any day now, eh?" If by any day you mean, "Still three more months to go," then, yes. Any. Day. "Were you trying?" In other words, were you having a lot of casual sex because you really wanted a baby or just because you were really horny and didn't understand exactly how babies are made? "I thought your boobs w

30 Musical Baby Names That Will Add a Whole Lot of Rhythm to Your Life

Music is an incredibly powerful thing. It can make you feel blissfully happy, help you through a dark time, or inspire you to run just one more mile. You also probably know of a song or two that holds a special place in your heart — music is the soundtrack of our lives, after all. Related Topics: Here Are the Top 25 Baby Boy Names of 2018 in the USA 3 Reasons I’m Thankful My Parents Raised Me With Tough Love 30 Things Single Mums Want You to Know So why not take some of that rhythm and put it into a baby name? From the most epic performers of all time to musical instruments, the possibilities really are endless. Keep reading for 30 musical baby name ideas that will make you want to do a happy dance. Lyric Aretha Joni Cadence Bari Calliope Zeppelin Reed Dolly Nashville Banjo Allemande Aria Adele Piper Harper Clef Harmony Clarinet Jazz Opus Hendrix Presley Lennon Wolfgang Elton Joplin Ludwig Armstrong Ellington Source: Watch T

30 Things Single Mums Want You to Know

Being a single mum is the hardest job I've ever done. I also happen to love it more than anything. I work around the clock — there are no sick days (definitely no personal days either). I raise my daughter completely on my own and still make all the money as our sole income. Related Videos: 31 Musical Baby Names That Will Add a Whole Lot of Rhythm to Your Life 30 Things Single Mums Want You to Know The Reason Behind This 18 Year Old's Tattoo Will Make You 1 Cry and 2 Call Your Parents There's no partner to vent to at the end of the day or someone who comes home to pick up half the slack. I pay the bills, cook the meals, clean the house, carpool to gymnastics class, and still find time to spend with my daughter, who I do everything for. So, the next time you want to judge a book by its cover (or a single mum by her unwashed hair and unbelievably messy house), try to remember people go through things you might never understand. But just in case you want to

The Reason Behind This 18-Year-Old's Tattoo Will Make You (1) Cry and (2) Call Your Parents

Andrew Soldan was just 15 years old when his father passed away from a rare heart disease.  Fast-forward three years: the now 18-year-old posted a photo on Reddit of a sound-wave tattoo he just got.  "For my 18th birthday, I got a tattoo of my dad’s laugh on my arm, he passed away three years ago," he wrote. "I have his smile and joy wherever I go now." Related Topics: Top 25 Baby Boy Names of 2018 in the USA 3 Reasons I'm Thankful My Parents Raised Me With Tough Love The 10 Most Powerful Things You Can Say to Your Kids "The tattoo was my idea, but I got the inspiration for it from my uncle, who was originally going to frame the sound wave, but instead I got the tattoo," Andrew told POPSUGAR.  "I'm very happy with my decision to get it — it makes me calm and happy when I look at it." -  5 Tips For Good Parenting Unlike traditional sound-wave tattoos, Andrew's cannot be read by a smartphone app, but tha

3 Reasons I'm Thankful My Parents Raised Me With Tough Love

I have one standout memory from my childhood: I was a toddler, and I kept reaching for a cookie sheet that had just come out of the oven. I knew it was hot, but I guess I was curious to find out exactly how hot. (Kids are so weird.)  My dad, sick of me not listening to my mom's warnings, finally said, "Go ahead, touch it." As you might imagine, I burned my fingers on contact and began scream-crying with swollen hands. But hey, you can bet that I never tried to touch a hot pan again. -  5 Tips For Good Parenting To this day, I'm still determining whether that was an example of cruelty or tough love, but I did learn my lesson. Fast forward to me today, at 24 years old (my fingers are fine by the way), and I honestly couldn't be prouder of who and where I am at this semi-early stage in my life. And I genuinely believe that my tough love upbringing played a role. Beyond that one example, there were plenty more that followed, in which I had to learn to