Managing Mum Guilt Is a Daily Struggle That I Can't Win

Participation in a faith community has been imperative to making this working-mum thing, well, work for me. It gives me the "peace that passes understanding." Some days, that peace is all I have — other days, it's all I need. Even if you're not religious, try joining a parenting class or even a book club. You can turn any place into a therapy session as long as you're willing to talk. And I'm willing to bet that you'll walk away with a little more faith than when you arrived.

I'm very lucky that I also have a great partner. We ebb and flow to support each other, but in parenting, our responsibilities aren't 50/50. Often, he tells me he thinks I'm a good mum. And no matter how many times he's said it, I still always need to hear it. Being honest with your partner about what you need, can make such a huge difference.
Other Mums
My company offers a monthly working-mums support group that I try to attend whenever I can. While I don't connect with every woman in the group on everything, it's reassured me that I'm not alone. Motherhood can be a terribly lonely place, one where you think nobody else could possibly be this tired, happy, sad, and excited all at the same time. Other mothers get it.

I know that this chaotic stage of stuffed animals, work emails, tantrums, and business calls is only temporary. This will not be the pace for the next 18 years . . . or even the next year. I'm sure I'll have a million more things to feel guilty about as he gets older, but for now, I'm doing OK. I'm tired, but I'm OK.

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