12 Ways To Be The Meanest Mom In The World

When your kids tell you you’re mean, take it as a compliment. The rising generation has been called the laziest, rudest, most entitled kids in history. Don’t give up. They may think you’re mean now, but they’ll thank you later.
1. Make your kids go to bed at a reasonable time
Is there really anyone who hasn't heard how important a good night's rest is to a child's success? Be the parent and put your kid to bed. Noone ever said the kid had to want to go to bed

2. Don't give your kids dessert every day

Sweets should be saved for special occasions. That's what makes them a "treat." If you give in to your child's demands for goodies all the time, he won't appreciate the gesture when someone offers a sweet gift or reward.

3. Make them pay for their own stuff

If you want something, you have to pay for it. That's the way adult life works. To get your kids out of your basement in the future, you need to teach your children now that the gadgets, movies, video games, sports teams and camps they enjoy have a price. If they have to pay all or part of that price, they'll appreciate it more.

4. Don't pull strings

Some kids get a rude awakening when they get a job and realize that the rules actually do apply to them. They have to come on time and do what the boss wants. And, (gasp!) part of the job they don't even like.

5. Make them do hard things

Don't automatically step-in and take over when things get hard. Nothing gives your kids a bigger self-confidence boost than sticking to it and accomplishing something difficult for them.

6. Give them a watch and an alarm clock

Your child will be better off if he learns the responsibility of managing his own time. You're not always going to be there to remind her to turn off the TV and get ready to go

7. Don't always buy the latest and greatest

Teach your children gratitude for, and satisfaction with, the things they have. Always worrying about the next big thing and who already has it will lead to a lifetime of debt and unhappiness.

8. Let them feel loss

If your child breaks a toy, don't replace it. He'll learn a valuable lesson about taking care of his stuff. If your child forgets to turn in homework, let him take the lower grade or make him work out extra credit with his teacher himself. 

9. Control media

If all the other parents let their child jump off a bridge, would you? Don't let your kids watch a show or play a video game that is inappropriate for children just because all their friends have done it.

10. Make them apologize

If your child does something wrong, make her fess up and face the consequences. Don't brush rudeness, bullying, or dishonesty under the rug. If you mess up, set the example and eat your humble pie.

11. Mind their manners

Even small children can learn the basics of how to treat another human with respect and dignity. By making politeness a habit, you'll be doing your kids a huge favor. 

12. Make them work - for free

Whether it's helping grandma in the garden or volunteering to tutor younger kids, make service a part of your child's life. 
Watch This Video To Learn...

Tips On Improving Parenting Skills 


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