30 Musical Baby Names That Will Add a Whole Lot of Rhythm to Your Life

Music is an incredibly powerful thing. It can make you feel blissfully happy, help you through a dark time, or inspire you to run just one more mile. You also probably know of a song or two that holds a special place in your heart — music is the soundtrack of our lives, after all.

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So why not take some of that rhythm and put it into a baby name? From the most epic performers of all time to musical instruments, the possibilities really are endless.

Keep reading for 30 musical baby name ideas that will make you want to do a happy dance.

  1. Lyric
  2. Aretha
  3. Joni
  4. Cadence
  5. Bari
  6. Calliope
  7. Zeppelin
  8. Reed
  9. Dolly
  10. Nashville
  11. Banjo
  12. Allemande
  13. Aria
  14. Adele
  15. Piper
  16. Harper
  17. Clef
  18. Harmony
  19. Clarinet
  20. Jazz
  21. Opus
  22. Hendrix
  23. Presley
  24. Lennon
  25. Wolfgang
  26. Elton
  27. Joplin
  28. Ludwig
  29. Armstrong
  30. Ellington

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