4 Steps to Fit Your Parenting to Your Child's Temperament

Every child is different, so learning their temperament differences can help you custom fit your parenting style to their needs.
 Dr. Sam Goldstein, a psychologist who specializes in children. He believes these four steps can help you better understand your child's nature, how it affects the way they interact with the world and how you can adjust your parenting to help them be their best selves:

Step 1: Get educated.

First, you must understand and accept your child's disposition and what is reasonable to expect from him.
 Dr. Sam Goldstein also says to remember that every child is different and can't necessarily be parented the same way with the same results.

5 Tips For Good Parenting

Step 2: Measure your mindset.

After learning how your child perceives and experiences the world, you must then manage your feelings and thoughts about it, Dr. Goldstein says.
"We all think of ourselves as potentially perfect parents with perfect children," he says. "Parents have to consider their mindsets about what their child is struggling with."

Step 3: Make appropriate adjustments.

Next, you can begin what Dr. Goldstein and psychologists call "environmental management" to address any issues your child has.
"Try and manage the environment in such a way that it gives the child reasonable opportunities to try things, but doesn't push them so hard that the probability of success decreases," he says. "Because [if that happens], they never move forward."

Step 4: Work together as parents.

Like all parenting, both you and your partner have to be on the same page about your child and your parenting techniques.
Only when both of you come to an agreement about your child's temperament—and the chosen ways to encourage the child—can you raise that child to be her best self.

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5 ways to be a better parent 


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