Frustrated With Your Kids? – 3 Tips for More Joyful, Effective Parenting

Parenting is a tough job. Kids really know how to push our buttons.  Often, we just feel lucky if we can make it through the day losing our minds. 
The good news is that there is a way to reclaim your sanity as a parent, to get a handle on all the chaos,
get your kids to listen, and start to enjoy your role as a parent. 
 Theology of the Body reminds us that families are schools of love and virtue where we all learn to live life as a gift, and that parents are the most importantteachers in this school of love.
 Approach parenting in a thoughtful, intentional, graceful manner, the more we are able to fulfill our mission as Catholics
Want to be a more joyful, grace-filled parent?  Start practicing the following tips today.
Remember To Lead– When you’re correcting your kids, only 5% of your energy should be focused on what they did wrong.  The other 95% should be focused on leading your children to a better place. Before you correct your kids, ask yourself, “What does my child need to handle this situation better next time?” Put your energy into teaching those skills. Punishments don’t work. Teaching does.

Celebrate Success–Tell your kids when they handle a situation well by acknowledging the virtue they displayed.  You don’t have to throw a parade–in fact, it’s much better if you don’t–but simple comments like, “That was really responsible.”, “You handled that really respectfully.”,  “That was very generous.” “That was a very loving choice.” and similar comments help kids understand that virtues aren’t just a list of words to memorize, but a practical guide for handling life’s ups and downs with grace. Believe it or not, kids want to be good, and they desperately crave your approval.

Fill the Tank–There is a fuel that drives good behavior. Don’t forget to fill the tank. Both research and generations of wise parents will tell you that extravagant affection is the fuel that makes kids wants to behave and try harder to please you. Research shows that affection is actually communication. Taking time to hold your kids close all throughout the day actually helps them reset their heart rate, respiration, body temp and other bodily rhythms when they are feeling stressed, frustrated, angry, anxious, or overwhelmed.  
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